On 19 December 2006 14:25, Dave Korn wrote:

> On 19 December 2006 00:27, Arthur I Schwarz wrote:
>> I'm trying to clean up my system (somewhat) and noticed that
>> openldap-2.3.30.tgz is a tad over 11GB. Can this file be deleted?
>>    -rwxr-x---+ 1 ra12345 Users 12478083072 Nov 29 10:54 openldap-2.3.30.tgz
>> thanks
>> art
>   Why do you think this is a cygwin file?  There's nothing by that name on
> the mirrors and it has no release number.

  Also, the file size should be about three and a half meg, so you need to
check a) whether it really is that size or not and b) what it's got in it and
why it's so big if it is.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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