Paul Murphy wrote:

I have recently installed cygwin, and during the installation received a
series of crashes for "bash.exe" - standard Windows XP exception errors.

However, all the files were copied to i:\dev\cygwin, and if I attempt to
carry out any command in that directory, I receive the same error - at
least for any command I have tried.  Below is the cygcheck, however
please note that id.exe crashed with the same error, so some of it may
be missing.

I have tried running with Avast AV off, and with Outpost firewall off,
and I have tried just copying the following files to c:\cygwin to see if
a more standard dir location would help:

07/12/2006  01:17           484,352 bash.exe
23/10/2006  10:44           999,424 cygiconv-2.dll
23/10/2006  11:23            31,744 cygintl-8.dll
15/11/2006  18:21           242,688 cygncurses-8.dll
16/12/2006  10:50           157,696 cygreadline6.dll
14/11/2006  03:48         1,872,347 cygwin1.dll

However, I got the same error.  I did a search for any other cygwin
dlls, and there were some applications that had their own installed, off
the path, and in their own folders.  They shouldn't have made a
difference, but I deleted them anyway.  It didn't help.

The XP installation is relatively new - I rebuilt it recently, and the
previous build didn't have any issues with cygwin, and this build is
essentially the same in any respect that I can think would make a

Any ideas on how I can troubleshoot this?

I believe Outpost has been implicated before when these kinds of problems
pop up.  Not sure about Avast.  You can check the email archives for details.
If these are recent changes (or at least different than the last time
when you didn't have these problems), you can uninstall them and try again.
Turning them off is not generally enough because of changes these kinds of
programs make in the network stack when they are installed.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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