We use a lot of admin scripts on our windows boxes running Windows XP,
Windows 2000 and 2003 and use Cygwin for a long time.
We recently compiled the "shc" utility that encrypts a bash script into
a simple C program to hide some password
from non authorized users and to avoid "wild" code modifications, as
asked by our hierachy. (btw, you can find all the needed resources at
http://www.datsi.fi.upm.es/~frosal/, it is a very simple and powerful
utility). The principle of the resulting C program is to decrypt the
bash language at once and execute it. It relies on very simple dependencies.
We installed the compiled version of our compiled scripts on about 50
servers (from the 1 CPU Pentium III to the 4 CPU Xeon).
All would be quite fine if we had a serious problem on two boxes that
are brought to reboot (with the on/off button !).
I open a cmd window, I go into the program directory and run the cygwin
compiled script:
Then on the task manager I can see a sh.exe reaching 80% of CPU time.
The cmd window used to launch the program can not be closed by any mean
(even "terminate the program now" is without effect).
Then I try to kill the bash.exe or the sh.exe or the grep.exe that are
run by the script but nothing happens and a few minutes later the box
stop responding and I have to reboot the server. May be it is linked
to our new C program but the problem happens only on 2 boxes out of 30.
The only clue I have is the these 2 boxes are runnig norton antivirus.
But I excluded all cygwin stuff and accessed files from realtime scanning.
Another clue is that these 2 boxes are quite loaded (generally 60-80%
average CPU) all the day. The 2 boxes are respectively running XP SP2
and Windows 2003 Server (no SP), respectively on a Pentium III 512MB Ram
and a Bi Xeon 2,6 Ghz 3 GB RAM.
I tried a 2006/04/26 snapshot that helped me on a specific case but it
did not in this cas.
I can not reproduce this problem on a local PC or a local server : these
2 boxes are remote (very far from me) and I do not want to bother some
colleagues to go to their servers room
to restart the frozen server. Moreover they are production servers.
Thanks to all that could reach the end of my story...
If anyone has some advice to help me finding out this problem. Is gbd
sufficient to allow me to debug the execution ?
Cygwin_NT-5.1 MACHINE 1.5.19(0.150/4/2) 2006-01-20 13:28 i686 Cygwin
Thanks for your attention.
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