On 04 December 2006 12:07, Dave Korn wrote:

  JFTR:  This is pretty ham-fistedly worded so I will clarify FTA.

> On 04 December 2006 11:04, Dave Silvia wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I'm trying to write a script that knows what the user selected for
>> parameters at installation.

>>   For example, What type of line endings (CRLF, LF, etc.). Where
>> does Cygwin store this sort of information, if anywhere?
>   The type of line-endings can be inferred from the mount-mode of the root
> directory; it's not stored explicitly anywhere AFAIK.  

  What I mean is that there is no explicit flag anywhere that says "cygwin was
installed in binary or text mode".

  The mount-mode of the root directory *is* of course explicitly stored, in
the registry; and if it has not been changed since, you can /deduce/ that the
current mode is the result of the mode chosen last time setup.exe was run.

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