On 12/2/06, Philippe Conraux wrote:
I have to build a large project on Windows.

Build libraries using Intel compilers needs 12 hours on cygwin
when same build needs 1 hour on Linux (same computer : dual boot, same
compilers ifc 9.1)

Do you need a feature that is specific to cygwin's make or the cygwin

Many of us require cygwin to support build environment using Intel or other commercial compilers. However, there is no chance of getting any specific support for this, either from cygwin, from Intel, or from the vendors of the other compilers. Not to mention that Microsoft is unalterably opposed to this. That said, cygwin often builds Windows applications much faster than they can be built under Visual Studio. If you are using make -j on linux, why not on Windows?
If not, could you use the make that comes with MinGW
(http://www.mingw.org/)? If a POSIX-like environment is required,
would MSYS do the trick as well (http://www.mingw.org/msys.shtml)?

Alternatively, could you not simply cross-compile it for Windows on
the Linux system? You said the workstation is dual-boot. If you have
to be in Windows to perform other tasks while building it, perhaps you
could virtualize (not emulate) some Linux system and cross-compile it
that way.
No, commercial Windows compilers aren't generally available as a cross compiler on linux. Nor do I think you will find anyone supporting a pre-built gcc cross compiler from linux for general Windows use (not that we shouldn't be grateful when that is available for cygwin).

Finally, are you sure the problem even has anything to do with cygwin
and cygwin's make?
Have you noticed how slow cygwin build and test scripts have been running with gcc in recent months? I have a gcc testsuite running right now which is over 24 hours old. It takes about 6 hours simply to build gcc, g++, gfortran on cygwin. Even on my 4 year old Itanium linux system, it can be done several times faster than that.

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