On Nov 30 09:50, Igor Peshansky wrote:
> Remember how much effort was spent trying to fix Cygwin to work for
> unprivileged users?  Do you now, all of a sudden, want to break expected
> behavior for privileged users?

I'm sorry but I really don't understand the problem.  Cygwin allows
administrators to do more stuff than what they usually can do when
running a DOS shell, which is, doing stuff which they can do as admins
under any POSIX system.  POSIX apps running under a privileged account
(and the users) usually expect to be able to do stuff which they can't
when running under a non-admin account, for instance, cd'ing into
directories which have, say, permissions set to a-rwx.  This will
actually *help* admins to restore screwed up installations.  This is IMO
the right thing to do.  I didn't expect to get told that this is
"breaking" something.  It's really weird.  Usually Cygwin gets kicked
for non-POSIXy behaviour.  Apparently there's no way to do something
right :(


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