Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:
On Tue, Nov 14, 2006 at 12:09:49PM -0500, Michael Adler wrote:
I'm having Perl I/O problems on one machine that keep me from getting CPAN installations to work. On this machine if I execte:

   perl -e 'print `perl -e "require 5; print qq{VER_OK\n}"`;'

from bash there is no output. On all my other machines it prints VER_OK. ExtUtils::MM_Unix does this test and fails.

I've looked at all environment variables I can think of, especially CYGWIN, and it is identical on a machine that works and one that fails. Cygwin is up to date on both and Perl version is 5.8.7. I've tried multiple values of the PERLIO variable with no success. Replacing the inner invocation of perl with some other command, like cat of a file, works on both machines! I tried blowing away the entire perl environment and reinstalling.
I assume I'm missing something simple.  Hints would be appreciated.

What do these do:
   perl -e 'print `perl -v`'
   perl -e 'print `perl -f -e "require 5; print qq{VER_OK\n}"`;'
   perl -e 'print `perl -f -e "print qq{VER_OK\n}"`;'
Thank you for the reply. I did finally figure it out. Some post-install script had apparently failed in the past and /bin/sh was old -- it wasn't bash.


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