On Nov 27 18:23, John Smith wrote:
> The archive contains repeated messages to the effect that Cygwin has
> no concept of "hidden" files (except for dot-files), totally ignores
> the "hidden" attribute, etc.
> However, while I can create, read, add to (using ">>") and delete
> files with this attribute set, I cannot overwrite them. For example:
> jaipur:~$ echo xxx >foo
> jaipur:~$ echo yyy >foo
> jaipur:~$ attrib +h foo
> jaipur:~$ echo zzz >foo
> bash: foo: Permission denied
> jaipur:~$ echo zzz >bar
> jaipur:~$ cp bar foo
> cp: cannot create regular file `foo': Permission denied
> jaipur:~$ attrib -h foo
> jaipur:~$ echo zzz >foo
> jaipur:~$ cp bar foo
> jaipur:~$
> In case this is happening because of some local misconfiguration, I've
> attached cygcheck output.
> If it is actually a genuine problem, is it something that can be
> fixed? It's a nuisance having Cygwin's behaviour affected by something
> it officially takes no notice of.

Thanks for the report.  I found a tiny comment in MSDN which explains
why this happens.  I'll apply an appropriate patch to Cygwin.

Thanks again,

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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