On Nov 22 03:38, Scott Hepler wrote:
> Hi folks:
> Sorry to bring what is apparently a FAQ, but I'm stuck.
> I had an existing Cygwin install (1.5.?) which I upgraded to 1.5.21-1 via
> setup.exe.  I started getting that infamous error:
> -snip-
> 7 [main] ? (336) C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe *** fatal error - system shared
> memory version mismatch detected - 0x75BE0074/0x2D1E009C.
> -snip-
> [...]
> Can anybody help me stop this wandering, please?

Since you said you searched the machine for another cygwin1.dll, but the
above message is quite clear, I'm wondering if you have some 3PP software
on your machine which installed a cygwin1.dll under another name
together with their 3PP stuff (obfuscating rulez).  Did you really search
everywhere?  Even in C:\Windows?


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