Hy all

I'm trying to use eclipse with the cygwin to develop in C/C++. But I'm
having some problems with the configuration of the gdb.

The code runs correctly, but when I do Debug I have this message:

Warning: /eclipse_projects/C++/Test/.settings;E: No such file or directory.
Warning: /eclipse_projects/C++/Test;E: No such file or directory.
Warning: /cygdrive/e/eclipse_projects/C++/Test/E: No such file or directory.
gdb: unknown target exception 0xc0000135 at 0x7c964ed1
You can't do that without a process to debug.

Note: I'm a Perl programmer, needing to do something in C/C++. I'll be
happy with any help

Marcos Rebelo

Marcos Rebelo

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