Re: ImageMagick On 11/10/06, Volker Quetschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How about looking at the patch that's used for the cygwin package? In case this wasn't clear enough, there is a "Src?" box behind most cygwin packages when you use setup.exe, if you check that you will find the source package and patches in /usr/src/.
Thanks I was not aware of that or
In general you find information regarding building a cygwin package in /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/<package>.README
of this. However, if the patch is the one you previously mentioned by you : I have serious concerns about patching the "perl" library package files in order to get ImageMagick's PerlMagick to compile. There should be a way to get PerlMagick to compile by only patching some part of the ImagicMagick distribution. I believe this is what Yaakov was also trying to say in his posting of Any changes to perl (maybe there aren't many but..) could cause problems in the future. Regards -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: