
I should be about the only one who doesn't get that patch to work. Or maybe I'm doing something terribly wrong... or assuming something wrong... I'm using make from Eclipse, using the CDT plug-in and the "Make Targets" view. For those not familiar with Eclipse and CDT, this view just allows you to specify a command that will make some target, redirecting the output to the Eclipse console. Default is Make, but you can specify any command and any target. Cygwin/bin is in my path, so if I want to use any other command I can just put it there (for example, several version of Make, as in this case)

Using the latest version of cygwin, I was getting the "Makefile.eos:311: *** target pattern contains no `%'. Stop." error. Digging around I found the thread about the problem and patched the sources. In order to compile it I used a cygwin shell, and then "autoheader" (not sure what it is, so I also tried without that with no change) "./configure" (and also "make configure" with another version I had) and finally "make". I copied the new "make.exe" to C:/cygwin/bin and tried from Eclipse again. Exactly the same error. After this I have tried with the precompiled image from "http://www.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2006-09/msg00153.html"; and with binaries and sources of the 3.80 with the same result. The only time I got something different is when I tried the first version of the patch at "http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.make.windows/2136"; and what I got was a STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW exception.

As already discussed many times elsewhere, I get this error because my makefile has an environment variable with a colon. An example of this in my makefile is:

final.o: ${EOS_V}/eos/Drivers/final.c
$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o final.o `test -f ${EOS_V}/eos/Drivers/final.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`"${EOS_V}/eos/Drivers/final.c

Where "EOS_V" contains something like "C:/pathToDirectory". By the way, this variable is passed to make from Eclipse. I don't think this should make a difference.

Any Ideas?. I have had this problem for weeks and I can not find any way to solve it...
Thank you in advance


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