Yes indeed, I was going through port 80 instead of port 443 thinking that both
were processed in exactly the same way by the proxy. But when reading your
website, I understood my error.

Thanks for this small bit of information ... Small bit indeed but how useful it
has been :)



Selon Robert McKay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On 10/26/06, Teggy P Veerapen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Thanks guys for all these informations ... In fact, I have tried both
> solutions
> > connect and corkscrew but I haven't been able to connect through the proxy
> with
> > neither utility. I am getting a forbidden message and if I turn debug
> option on
> > when using connect, I get something like that:
> >
> > ---8<---------------
> > ...
> > DEBUG: begin_http_relay()
> > DEBUG: >>> "CONNECT HTTP/1.0rn"
> > DEBUG: >>> "rn"
> > DEBUG: <<< "HTTP/1.0 403 Forbiddenrn"
> > DEBUG: http proxy is not allowed.
> > FATAL: failed to begin relaying via HTTP.
> > ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
> > ---8<---------------
> >
> > I would presume that the proxy is somehow checking that http requests are
> going
> > through and all it's seeing is ssh requests. Does that seem plausible to
> you
> > that the proxy is indeed checking the request ?
> >
> > Or am I making a mistake when using the utility (configuration seems fairly
> > simple and straightforward to me) ?
> >
> While this is probably straying off-topic for the cygwin mailinglist..
> The forbidden error is likely because you are trying to connect to
> port 80 rather than port 443 (the https port). Try running sshd on
> port 443 instead (simply add another listen directive to your
> sshd_config file. Port 443 is often the only port you are allowed to
> 'CONNECT' to.
> I've actually developped a novel hack to use http proxies that doesn't
> use CONNECT but rather the standard GET and POST requests. It just
> uses two simultaneous http requests (one always GETing the other
> always POSTing).
> You'll also see a simple CONNECT script there as well that uses nc.
> I've used both scripts under cygwin without difficulty.
> Regards,
> Robert.
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