On 10/25/06, DePriest, Jason R. <> wrote:
On 10/25/06, Larry Hall (Cygwin) <> wrote:
> Certainly this and quoting raw email addresses could be offered as
> guidelines in <http://cygwin.com/problems.html>.  Care to offer a
> patch

The "submitting a patch" guidelines seem to refer to program
patches... since this is only an HTML update, here it is.


sorry patch in wrong format... subject changes since I am severely
hijacking this topic

--- problems2.html      2006-10-25 14:51:41.093750000 -0500
+++ problems.html       2006-10-25 14:50:44.828125000 -0500
@@ -176,6 +176,24 @@ Good example:<br>
+<a name="etiquette">
+<li><p>When you respond to a report, you must remember to <em>include
+only what is relevant</em>.</p>
+<p>The contents of the original message or of any other responses are not 
+Do not hesitate to trim out the extraneous parts as the full messages will 
still be 
+available as either previously received emails or permantently in the 
+<em>Avoid <a href="http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#TOFU";>TOFU</a> entirely</em>.
+Putting your replies at the top of the message instead of inline where 
appropriate and 
+leaving every single bit of the original message and all of the other replies 
+observations below makes for a very untidy archive. As was arleady mentioned, 
+original messages are still available.  We don't need you wasting space and 
+because you couldn't be bothered to hit the DEL key a few times.</p>
+<p>In addition, please observe <a 
+as we are not in the habit of feeding Spam bots.</p></li>
 <a name="cygcheck">
 <b><li>Run <tt>cygcheck -s -v -r &gt; cygcheck.out</tt> and include that file 
 <em>an attachment</em> in your report.  Please do <em>not</em> compress or
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