William Xue wrote:

> I have tried the newest cvs version of emacs 22 and emacs-unicode-2,
> both them are failed.

My experience is that the last useful build of Emacs-CVS is that
downloaded with:

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/emacs co -P -D "06
Sep 2006 13:50" emacs

The builds of the CVS source after 20060906 13:50, up to now, or fail or,
if they are completed, Emacs segment faults.

I build with

cd emacs
mkdir .build
cd .build
../configure --prefix=/usr/local/emacs-22.0.50
make bootstrap
make install

In any case, there are prebuilt binaries (Mingw, I think) at




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