On 06/10/06, Ralph Moritz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tim Prince <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Ralph Moritz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I can't seem to find the ldd utility which comes bundled with glibc on
>> GNU/Linux. Where should I be looking?
> I doubt that glibc provided this; it looks like a binutils
> thing. However, there is a big difference between Windows and linux,
> and Windows already provides similar tools.

Okay, so what's the Windows-equivalent to ldd?
There is a program called Depends which is part of the Windows
Resource Toolkit. This shows what external DLLs are required by a

It is a GUI app but you can save a DWI (Dependency Walker Image - not
sure what this is for), Text or CSV.

And you can run this from the command line too.

And the app has many return values to tell you about your program.

The resource toolkit is free from MS.

Richard Quadling
Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&amp;r=213474731
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