Thanks. The crummy LIB for Windows tool says it only allows me to extract one object at a time. Yuck! Oh well, I wasn't going anywhere today, anyway... ;)


Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
Coatimundi wrote:

I need to break open a library I created with Visual Studio and insert some objects also compiled with Visual Studio.

Will Cygwin's ar command work for this task?

Alternatively, is there a Windows tool better suited to this?
Maybe there's even something that ships with Visual Studio, but I wouldn't expect an answer to that question here.

Thanks for indulging these newbie questions. I'm used to working with Linux and am leaning heavily on Cygwin as I start to do some Windows development.

I believe you're looking for "LIB.EXE".  Check out the MSDN and other
Windows development forums for details.

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