Tom Robinson wrote:
Hi folks,
I've installed cygwin and sitecopy. When I try to run sitecopy from the
bash prompt, nothing happens: i.e., not even an error message:
[113 Workstation:~]$ uname
[114 Workstation:~]$ sitecopy -V
[115 Workstation:~]$
sitecopy appears to be installed OK: 'which sitecopy' returns
/usr/local/bin/sitecopy, and if I run it from the DOS prompt I get the
expected error message (the docs say to run it from bash, not DOS).
Windows XP SP2, CYGWIN_NT-5.1, sitecopy-cygwin-0.16.2
I followed the instructions per
1. Downloaded cygwin (including bash, cygwin, libiconv, libxml2 and
2. Downloaded binary of sitecopy from
<>. Unzipped into
appropriate subdirectories in /usr/local
Any clues? Anywhere I should be looking for error logs?
(I should probably be on the sitecopy mailing list, but the joining
mechanism appears to be broken, and I haven't (yet) received a reply
from the administrator...)
I appreciate your dilemma and the acknowledgment that the site from which you
got sitecopy is the one to which you should be posting. Unfortunately for
you, because this package isn't part of the Cywgin distribution, discussion
of it's problems are off-topic for this list.
Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd. (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746
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