Marek Telgarsky wrote:

> This leads me to actually running the server, and my question for the list: 
> Does
> anyone have experience with that under Cygwin? 

No experience, but I recently did try to use imap-2006a (the latest UW IMAP 
release) and it compiles cleanly with no changes but after running for a while 
it hits problems with advisory locking (which doesn't exist in Cygwin since it 
is using Windows mandatory locking).

> Things (like the auth daemon) seem to be failing silently.

Installed as service?

Running under what user & what Windows version?

No messages in the event log (or syslog if you are using it)?

Last year there was some report similar to yours:

but I've heard no comments about experience actually running the server.

Dovecot is another server that compiles easily, but their Wiki seems to point 
to the same problem with advisory locking under Cygwin.

As you can see, there are a few of us interested in this subject but, as you 
say, there isn't much experience reported.
René Berber

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