Sorry about the double-post everyone. Because I sent the first email
from a non list-registered address and assumed it wouldn't get
through, I resent it from the address that I actually registered with
Sorry, Mike

On 9/11/06, Christopher Faylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Please don't send the same message twice.

On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 11:39:53AM -0400, Michael Sowka wrote:
>... just when I thought I was nicely settled with WinXP and Cygwin
>(being obligated to use Windows, cygwin makes the experience more
>bearable ;) )...
>I don't consider myself a newbie, but we'll soon find out. I've
>installed cygwin on a number of computers I frequently 'ssh'/'scp'
>to/from. The setup is straight forward (time saving guide here:
> Other than the time
>when I tried to change user groups manually and had to revert back to
>get sshd working again, things have been running smooth.
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nfong AT pigtail DOT net.


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