On 11 August 2006 15:30, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

> It's also worth noting that the goal here was a subset of Cygwin
> functionality packaged as a monolithic (no matter how small) install. 
> While the former is a potential supplement to "setup.exe", the latter is a
> step backward in terms of installation flexibility.  It seems to me that
> any "setup.exe" replacement cannot be monolithic installer or provide only
> a subset of the available packages.

  Well, just because it's a monolithic installer wouldn't stop it from reading
setup.ini and downloading the latest versions of the base packages 'behind the

  Perhaps the easiest solution would be a customized version of setup.exe that
doesn't present the GUI and runs through the sequences of operations with
everything on default settings.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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