On 09 August 2006 02:44, infoterror wrote:

  This thread was over a month ago and the guy went away happy with a solution
to his problems.  What exactly do you have to add to it?

> Based on two installs I did, it's easy to get the "cygintl-3.dll problem"
> without doing anything wrong. Sometimes the installer (or perhaps the mirror
> site?) fails to include it even though it seems necessary.

  This is a very poor bug report.  "Sometimes it goes wrong"?  Not remotely
enough information.  Can you state a simple procedure that anyone can follow
to reproduce this bug?  Reproducing it is vital to help us determine whether
it's something in the software or something in the OS environment or hardware
where you are using it.
> I find it somewhat amusing that UNIX activists choose to try to convert
> windows people by using non-standard installers that don't work. This is the
> mark of a "thin intelligence," or someone who can handle pre-defined tasks
> but is incapable of critical thinking.

  You're the one who is complaining about something being non-standard.  Your
desire for conformity belies your claims to out-of-the-box thinking ability.

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