Vladimir Dergachev wrote:
 > Also, I tried the following experiment - found a 17 MB file in
ibiblio.org and
> downloaded it with FireFox. The file ended up fragmented into more than 200 
> pieces. Tried the same file with IE - no fragmentation.
> It could be, of course, that Firefox is compiled with cygwin, but I have not 
> found cygwin.dll anywhere in its installation directory.

IE moves the files from your Temporary Internet Files to where your
defined destination is once the download is complete.  Firefox however
skips that and just writes it to the destination.  That is why you see
the fragmentation in Firefox and not IE.  The move that IE does isn't
always noticeable.  The box will only come up if it takes more than a
few seconds but occasionally you see it say "Moving FILE from Temporary
Internet Files to DEST" (replacing FILE and DEST as appropriate).  The
message is probably different but you get the idea.

Robert Pendell

Thawte Web of Trust Notary
CAcert Assurer

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