Joona Jylänki wrote:
Duane Krings wrote:
> The behavior I see is:
> 1) start screen in xterm #1 then detach
> 2) try to reattach in xterm #1 fails
> 3) reattach with xterm #2 works
> 4) try to reattach in xterm #1 still fails
> or in general, the first terminal that tries to reattach to a running
> screen session is forever locked out, but all subsequent terminals
> will succeed.
I've encountered similar behavior. How do you change to xterm #x?
"export TERM=xterm #2"? I would be very interested to get it working
even if i need to change terms every time i reattach...
What I mean is I am running an Xsession with two xterms running.
The patch linked in Svend's reply solves this problem.
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