Svend Sorensen wrote:
> On 7/19/06, Duane Krings <duanekrings> wrote:
>> Andrew Schulman wrote:
>>  > and it will mostly work.  You get a multiplexed screen.  But when you
>>  > detach a session most of the time you can't reattach to it, even
>>  > though the processes live on so you have to kill them by hand.  There
>>  > were some other minor problems that I forget right now.
>> The behavior I see is:
>>         1) start screen in xterm #1 then detach
>>         2) try to reattach in xterm #1 fails
>>         3) reattach with xterm #2 works
>>         4) try to reattach in xterm #1 still fails
>> or in general, the first terminal that tries to reattach to a running
>> screen session is forever locked out, but all subsequent terminals
>> will succeed.
> Give Mark Edgar's patch[*] a try.  With it applied, screen behaves
> better under Cygwin for me.  Reattaching from the same terminal and
> multi-display mode both work.  There are still some problems, however.
> Detaches sometimes get hung.  Opening a new terminal and running
> 'screen -list' will cause the hung detach to complete most of the
> time.
> [*] Mark Edgar's patch

That does work much better, thanks.

It does not work in the windows console (like the website says it doesn't)
But savy users use rxvt or run inside an Xsession, and in those enviroments
it works quite well.

Mark's patch actually references three patches from other sources,
which I think argues again for making it an official package.  It
creates a single place where all can add and find patches as they
are created, rather than searching the net or relying on word of mouth.

PS. sorry for the fat-finger typo in my original subject, I did not mean
to create a new thread.

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