
On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 11:19:37AM -0500, David E. Bath wrote:
> I recently updated fetchmail 6.3.1-1 from 6.2.5-2. I now get an error
> when it connects to one of my mail servers. Using "fetchamil -v" I
> noticed a difference in the output that indicates the likely problem.
> 6.3.1-1 give this message when the connection fails:
> fetchmail: 6.3.1 querying mail.********.*** (protocol POP3) at Fri Jun 16 
> 15:05:3
> 1 2006: poll started
> fetchmail: getaddrinfo("mail.********.***","pop3s") error: nodename nor 
> servname 
> provided, or not known
> fetchmail: POP3 connection to mail.********.*** failed: Operation not 
> permitted
I was able to workaround the above by adding the following line to

    pop3s             995/tcp                           #POP3 SSL


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