I am running  cygwin on a Window2003 server.

I have a service that is trying to be started by inetd.

In my inedt.conf I have the following:

amanda  dgram   udp     wait    SYSTEM  
/local/Amanda/amanda-2.4.5p1/libexec/amandadamandadThe line is tab spaced.

When my service tries to connect I get the following in the event log

"....The following information is part of the event: inetd: PID 2280:
amanda: can't set uid 18: Permission denied.....

"...The following information is part of the event: inetd: PID 2764:
/local/Amanda/amanda-2.4.5p1/libexec/amandad: exit status 0x100."

In my /etc/passwd I have the following:


This service work on an WinXP cygwin client.

Is there any know problem with running inetd on a Window2003 server?

I have looked in /var/log/inetd but the file is empty. Where else can I look 
for errors? What other way can I try and track down the error?

Any idea why I get the "can't set uid 18" error?



Robert P. McGraw, Jr.
Manager, Computer System                 EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                         ROOM: MATH-807
Department of Mathematics                PHONE: (765) 494-6055
150 N. University Street                   FAX: (419) 821-0540
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

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