> > Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 20:15:27 -0400
> From: "Aslam Karachiwala" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: cygwin@cygwin.com
> Subject: make (v. 3.81) fails -- "target pattern
> contains no `%'"
> cygcheck.out attached.
>  The Makefiles were copied from Solaris 10, and make
> worked fine prior
> to the update yesterday (7/11/06), and it works
> fine, again, after I
> reverted back to make v. 3.80
>  The error -- target pattern contains no `%' --
> occurs at a target
> such as the following:
> releaseproducts  :: $(RELEASEDIR)/$(BINIMAGE)
>  --aslam
I think you'll find that this is due to the dropping
of support for Windows paths in the new (3.81) version
of make.
I suspect $(RELEASEDIR) has a ':' in it somewhere.

Try something like this:

   RELEASEDIR:=$(shell cygpath -u $(RELEASEDIR))

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