This is an X11 question, and as such, it should be directed to the
cygwin-xfree list.  Redirecting further discussion...

On Wed, 12 Jul 2006, Jeff.Blosser wrote:

> After patching, all windows that are controlled by cygwin, local xterm,
> remote display's sent to this computer, are all white. The windows work
> fine in the primary screen (screen 1). I start cygwin with
> c:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\startxwin.bat. I have not modified this script
> from the default install so XWin starts with "XWin -multiwindow
> -clipboard -silent-dup-error".

Edit that script and add the -multiplemonitors flag to the Xwin command.

> After patching XP, I thought that I might need to reinstall cygwin, so I
> reinstalled all components of cygwin I was using with setup.exe. I am
> not sure what version of Cygwin, but hopefully it is up to date since I
> used setup.exe to install. When I run uname -a I get CYGWIN_NT-5.1
> 1.5.20_0.156/4/2. Thanks.

It is up-to-date, and you didn't need to reinstall.

Brian Ford
Lead Realtime Software Engineer
VITAL - Visual Simulation Systems
FlightSafety International
the best safety device in any aircraft is a well-trained pilot...


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