On 28 June 2006 14:23, prz wrote:

> I have a small program that executes a command and parses the output
> I can see that on many executions the program hangs.
> added some debug statements and could see it is at loop iteration that we
> hang
> sample code
> #!/cygdrive/c/Cygwin/bin/bash
> db2 list db directory | {
>       while read DBREC
>       do
>     [[ ! -z $DEBUG  ]] && echo "p6"
>         statements....
>         [[ ! -z $DEBUG  ]] && echo "p5"
>     done
>     }
> the last output before hang is always p5
> Any idea/hint why this is occuring ?

  It must have got stuck in the read statement somehow.  Can you workaround by
separating it in two and using a temp file, i.e.

> #!/cygdrive/c/Cygwin/bin/bash
> db2 list db directory >foo.tmp
> while read DBREC <foo.tmp
> do
>     [[ ! -z $DEBUG  ]] && echo "p6"
>     statements....
>     [[ ! -z $DEBUG  ]] && echo "p5"
> done

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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