
I have a problem that a directory ( /cygdrive/h mounted 
to the H:\ which is in turn mounted to \\bonfs01\afarber )
is visible in the normal Cygwin console, but disappears
when I login into the same PC via OpenSSH:
$ mount
C:\apps\Cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode)
C:\apps\Cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type system (binmode)
\\bonfs01\afarber on /cygdrive/f type system (binmode,noexec)
C:\apps\Cygwin on / type system (binmode)
c: on /cygdrive/c type system (binmode,noumount)
e: on /cygdrive/e type system (binmode,noumount)
h: on /cygdrive/h type system (binmode,noumount)

$ hostname

$ ssh bowec101 "mount"
Warning: Permanently added 'bowec101,' (RSA) to the list of
known hosts.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
C:\apps\Cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode)
C:\apps\Cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type system (binmode)
\\bonfs01\afarber on /cygdrive/f type system (binmode,noexec)
C:\apps\Cygwin on / type system (binmode)
c: on /cygdrive/c type system (binmode,noumount)
e: on /cygdrive/e type system (binmode,noumount)

There is some /cygdrive/f dir instead, 
but I can't access it, when logged in via OpenSSH:

$ ll /cygdrive/f
ls: /cygdrive/f: No such file or directory

Does anybody please have an idea what is happening?
Using newest Cygwin (but not a snapshot) and Win 2003.


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