On 19 June 2006 21:18, Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) wrote:

> Daniel Friedman wrote:
>> It would be nice to learn the latest version of the Cygwin setup
>> program "setup.exe" without having to download and install it.
>> Hence I respectfully suggest adding a statement of form "Latest
>> Cygwin setup.exe version is 2.510.2.2" to http://www.cygwin.com, e.g.
>> right below the also-helpful "Latest Cygwin DLL release version
>> is 1.5.19-4" statement.
>> Thanks,
>> --daniel
> It's my experience that this is not really necessary.  setup.ini
> contains timestamp and version information.  When setup.exe has been
> updated, the version on the local system informs the user that a newer
> version of setup.exe is available.  (I would guess that if one is
> updating using the automated, command line options one will not be so
> informed.  Of course, that may not be a problem since many of the
> improvements are in the UI.)
> - Barry

  Alternatively, you can find out the latest setup.exe version anytime you
want like this:-

pushd >/dev/null /tmp && wget 2>/dev/null `cat
/etc/setup/last-mirror`/setup.bz2 && ( bunzip2 -c setup.bz2 | grep
setup-version | cut -f2 -d' ' ) && popd >/dev/null

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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