Volker Quetschke wrote:
Ok, starting from snapshot from 20060602 I get problems. This only happens
on my Opteron system (Windows XP SP2), I'll attach a cygcheck created with
snapshot 20060601. On another note I don't see any of the problems reported
below on a different system (Celeron M Notebook).

This seems to be fixed with the 20060604 snapshot. (Although the ChangeLog
says "Reset to a size that XP SP1 seems to like." this also helps on XP SP2.)


PGP/GPG key  (ID: 0x9F8A785D)  available  from  wwwkeys.de.pgp.net
key-fingerprint 550D F17E B082 A3E9 F913  9E53 3D35 C9BA 9F8A 785D

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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