
I have the following issue and according to google it seems like I am
not the first one.

I would like to tailor a package selection with the setup.exe utility,
when that is done, I would like to make unattended installations of
these packages on many machines.

It seems like many people have questioned that before but I couldn't
find good answers (the official recomended way) of doing so. Many
answers on mailing lists refer to a dead link on unattended.sf.org

The next best solution is of course to "copy" the package
selection-set from one cygwin installation on one machine to another
machine and the just run setup.exe with that package selection-set, so
I don't have to spend 45minutes clicking around the GUI remembering
which packages I selected in or out.

Can someone enlight me of how to do this best.

Please email me directly, I am not subscribed to the list.


Jarl Friis
Softace ApS
Omøgade 8, 2.sal
2100 København Ø.
Phone:  +45 26 13 20 90
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jarlfriis

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