Hi Mark,

Thanks for the reply.

On 23/05/2006 17:01, Harig, Mark wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Simon McQueen
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 10:29 AM
To: cygwin@cygwin.com
Subject: openssh 4.3p2-3 - Timeouts on an Intel Centrino Duo machine

Hi all,

I note this thread:

I've just got a Dell Latitude D620 with a dual core processor and it's exhibiting what I think might be the same problem. In my case the issue appears when I'm checking out from CVS using ssh. Checkouts from repositories not using ssh work fine as do checkouts using ssh from my desktop (not dual core) using the same version of cygwin.

I was also seeing the problem originally from CVS checkouts
over ssh.  I reduced the problem to 'scp' to simplify the
diagnosis (i.e., the problem isn't with CVS, but with ssh/scp
-- or something more fundamental).

Yup - that's exactly what I figured. But if this is hitting 'factory' Dells doing CVS checkouts I'm betting I'm not the last person who'll be googling for this. With that in mind I thought the context and a quote of the error message would help those who might be following.

I do not have any helpful advice to offer on how to fix this
problem, and, unfortunately, I no longer have access to the
three (identical Dell M70) laptops that were having the problem.

If you're unable to build and debug the openssh/cygwin code,
then you may need to resort to installing TortoiseCVS,
http://www.tortoisecvs.org/, which doesn't appear to have
this problem on the dual-core Dell laptops.

I'm building the source as per:


... right now although I haven't quite worked out what on earth I'm going to do with it once it's built. Thanks again for taking the time to reply.

Simon McQueen                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PrismTech OpenFusion TAO Team                   www.prismtech.com

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