Hi all,

I observed a ssh (protocol 2) crash (using cvs, rsync, scp, unison, etc.) only on my brand new T2600 dual core cpu whenever the load on the ssh tunnel raises.

I have also noticed a thread about "scp timeout on dual-core processor", which sounds very similar, but provides no solution.

The only information I can provide is a ssh.exe.stackdump:

Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=00F449B9
eax=00000015 ebx=002298AC ecx=2F54534E edx=00229778 esi=7C809BF5 edi=2F54534E ebp=00229674 esp=002287F8 program=C:\cygwin\bin\ssh.exe, pid 4888, thread main
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003B gs=0000 ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
00229674  00F449B9  (00000000, 00229668, 610FD4BC, 0022FBB8)
End of stack trace

However, using the insecure protocol 1 works. But this is only some workaround that I do not really want to use and that might not be available on many servers.

Any ideas?


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