Virgil Adumitroaie wrote:
This is my second call to the cygwin developers. There is a problem
with cygwin 1.5.19-4 (on windows xp sp2).
Why is a second call required? The first was plenty good enough. And
actually, revisiting the issue so quickly can actually work against your
The qt designer (/usr/lib/qt3/bin/designer) crashes and its compilation
from source fails.
Sorry, I can't reproduce the crash of which you speak. I didn't attempt
to compile the source.
You might not care about matplotlib, but the "gcc:
fork: Resource temporarily unavailable" which I get during compilation,
indicates some other trouble.
I believe you have gotten a pointer on this issue already so I won't comment
Please let me know if you think otherwise, or if you don't get the same
What changes made between 1.5.19-4 and 1.5.18-1 could produce these
Ah, now there's the $1,000,000 question. Obviously, if there was a known
cause of this, there would already be a patch. So your efforts in tracking
this down would be beneficial. You may want to start with a recent snapshot
to see if it would help or hurt. Any recent snapshot is going to give you
good insight into the capabilities of 1.5.20, which is pending release.
Perhaps it would be best to read and follow the problem reporting guidelines
outlined here:
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This could unearth some important information that might help as well.
Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
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