On 22 April 2006 05:51, Robert Thomas beau Hayes Link wrote:

> Greetings,
> I've poked around in the faqs and other docs but have not been able to
> solve my proble, which is that for the first time in serveral cygwin
> installs I a not able to chmod 755 any of my files.

  Do you mean some magical force siezes control of your body and stops you
from typing every time you go to enter the word "chmod"?


  ;)  Didn't think so, but you didn't give enough information in your
description of the problem to rule it out - or indeed anything else.  Well,
that eliminates one possibility, only infinity minus one left to go....!

>  I believe this is
> an ntsec issue, but just haven't been able to get my head around exactly
> what is going on.  

  If you have no idea what's going on, what are your grounds for thinking it
might be an ntsec issue?

> On simple question that isn't addressed in the docs I
> read: might it be a XP with no service pack versus XPSP2 issue? 

  What, you reckon we might all just be sitting around here knowing that
cygwin was completely broken on some XP versions and nobody would have said
"duhhhh i know why don't we mention it in the docs"?

  No!  There are no secret-yet-known massive failure modes.  SP variants
should make no difference.

> The
> machine giving me the headache is XP with no service pack; on XPSP2
> machines (which are the only machine's I've previously run cygwin on)
> have all worked as expected right out of the box.
> All pointers appreciated.

  A far more adequate description of the problem is required.  Like, what did
you do, and what happened when you did it.  Example command lines, error
messages that you saw, simple testcases, that kind of thing.

  You need to refresh your memory of http://cygwin.com/problems.html and
follow the advice there.  Just by preparing the cygcheck output from one of
the machines that works and the one that doesn't and comparing them you might
see where the problem is yourself; but jumping too soon to conclusions about
what might or might not be the underlying problem has led you to angle your
question toward that assumption and omit what you thought might be irrelevant
but was in fact vital information.  Strong preconceptions can easily blind
oneself to any facts that don't in fit with them!

  Now, let's have some details from you!

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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  • ntsec Robert Thomas beau Hayes Link

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