> I'm having a problem with cygwin make and the $(wildcard) function.  I've
> attached a Makefile which demonstrates the problem.  The gnu make
> documentation indicates that the wildcard function should only return files
> or directories that exist, but in certain circumstances it is returning
> paths that do not exist.  This appears to be a bug introduced in the base
> cygwin package.  Specifically,
> using base/cygwin 1.5.19-4:
> - fails when building from linux samba share (version 3.0.20)
> - fails when building from solaris samba share (version 2.2.8a)
> - succeeds when building from local hard drive

There are known issues with 1.5.19 and older samba servers that had
buggy file id numbers.  Try the latest snapshot, and see if the problem
has been fixed due to the samba file id workarounds added since then:

Eric Blake

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