   Sorry if this is offtopic but seeing as this was a problem I was
only seeing in Cygwin and the only mention of it I can find on google
brings me to the mailing list archive I thought I'd post my solution
Basically whenever I did pretty much anything in cygwin I was getting
the error :
CreateFileandSetSecurity failed with FALSE (Expected on FAT Partitions) GLE: 32
CreateFileandSetSecurity failed with TRUE (not expected) GLE: 32

To cut a long story short I found that this was being caused by the
file alockout.dll in the windows system32 directory, a file which is
distributed in a microsoft toolkit to help debugging account lockout
problems. Considering I wasn't having any problems with account
lockouts I removed the reference of it from my windows registry and
deleted the dll (after restarting) and the errors have disappeared for

... Ben.

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