On 18 April 2006 16:47, Natalia M. Belfiore wrote:

> 1. I did try switching to full mode and everything disappeared in the menu
> of choices.

  Are you sure that the column widths on the chooser aren't just messed up or
it's scrolled too far or something like that?

> 4. I have attached a text file of the cygcheck -svc output.

  Which reveals you to have a fully working cygwin installation.

  BTW, when it says "Skip" next to something and you want that something
installed, click on the word "Skip" and it should change to a version number
(if it's a single package), which means "install this version", or the word
"Install" (if it's an entire category), which means "Install current versions
of all packages in category".

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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