On 17 April 2006 00:01, peter360 wrote:

> Can netcat under cygwin act as a socks client?  I know it does under unix.

  Which version?  I haven't seen any version that does that.  Well, except for
one I wrote myself a few years back ;-).

> I just installed netcat v1.10 (I believe it is the lastest avaiable for
> cygwin) but nc -h does not mention -X or -x switches.

  Yep, it sure don't.  Cygwin's netcat package is the original avian.org
version, there's a GNU version (hosted at sourceforge) that was forked from
that, but AFAICT neither of them know about a -X switch, and GNU netcat uses
-x to indicate that hexdump output is wanted, so I'm really curious to know
what version you're using and where it comes from.  Oh, and could you post the
-h output please?

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