Corinna Vinschen wrote:

Btw., I have hacked together a tiny testcase which lists a directory and
evaluates the inode numbers using readdir and lstat.  I would be
interested to see the output for some smaller directories on shares
using pre-3.0 Samba versions.

This is the output from a server running

   "Version Samba for GuardianOS v2.6.050.200310180953"

(this is a Snap Appliance file server, which seems to be a 2.4.19 linux kernel. Not sure if they've tweaked smbd in any way..):

% ./st //hq-share1
               Documents d: 000000000000000000, st: 018014724927011328
                  Backup d: 000000000000000000, st: 1495201458608421376
                  Builds d: 000000000000000000, st: 1297557616381147648
                       . d: 000000000000000000, st: 3313024975094127606
                      .. d: 000000000000000000, st: 000000000006035200

% % ./st //hq-share1/Backup   (names obfuscated..)
                       . d: 000000000000000000, st: 1495201458608421376
                      .. d: 000000000000000000, st: 3313024975094127606
                   xxxx1 d: 000000000000000000, st: 1531250493513284096
                   xxxx2 d: 000000000000000000, st: 1567367779743447552
                  xxxxx3 d: 000000000000000000, st: 000009633611659776
                 xxxxxx4 d: 000000000000000000, st: 018014845186095616
                  xxxxx5 d: 000000000000000000, st: 036029153501264384
                 xxxxxx6 d: 000000000000000000, st: 090072499353565696
                  xxxxx7 d: 000000000000000000, st: 108086897863047680
               xxxxxxxx8 d: 000000000000000000, st: 144138466798615040
                xxxxxxx9 d: 000000000000000000, st: 166548549587188224
                  xxxx10 d: 000000000000000000, st: 197791584807303680
                 xxxxx11 d: 000000000000000000, st: 216122792989440512
                xxxxxx12 d: 000000000000000000, st: 234187627299879424
               .DS_Store d: 000000000000000000, st: 1495201462903388672
         Temporary Items d: 000000000000000000, st: 324293142067034624

I also tried this program on two 3.0.9 SMB servers running on ordinary RedHat (FC3/RHEL3) boxes, and also got d == 0 for both of them, and similar inode numbers as well:

% ./st //hq-share2   (RHEL3, smbd 3.0.9-1.3E.3)
                 SoftLib d: 000000000000000000, st: 000281479271678723
                       . d: 000000000000000000, st: 3313024975094127607
                      .. d: 000000000000000000, st: 000000000006035200


Hope this was some use..

(PS. I'm running cygwin 1.5.19-4, with the 4/3/2006 snapshot overlaid).

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