Jessie Chen wrote:
Dear Sir:

I have downloaded the latest setup.exe for cygwin from and installed everything by setting "Select packages" to "All @ Full". I double checked that in "Devel", gcc-testsuit 3.4.4-1 is set to be "keep".

But after I installed it, I can't find gcc in cygwin. It kept telling me that:
gcc: command not found

$ cygcheck -cv | grep gcc
Enpty package gcc-testsuite
gcc-testsuite       3.4.4-1       OK

I tried gcc-testsuite 3.3.3-3 too, but it 's also a empty package.

Isn't gcc package included in cygwin? If so, how can I install it?

Thanks very much for your help!

Just because gcc-testsuite doesn't contain 'gcc', that's no reason to call it
an empty package. :-)

gcc-testsuite does not contain 'gcc'.  You have the wrong package.  You want
the gcc package.  If you have installed that package but can't find 'gcc.exe'
anywhere on your system, then you more than likely picked a partial or
out-of-date mirror.  Try another one.  If it's not that and you can't figure
out the issue, please read and follow <>.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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