William Dunn wrote:

 >Oh, and forgot to add -- please don't hijack unrelated threads for your
 >messages.  If you're posting a new topic, please start a new thread.

My vastest apologies; I had no idea that email used a threaded reply system. I only seek to offer free bandwidth to the furtherance of the Cygwin project. I have emailed the proper contact for mirror requests, and I will try my gosh-darndest not to waste any more of your valuable time.

Sorry to waste a little *more* of everyone's valuable time, but I interact with the mailing list via the Gmane mail-news gateway...


...and by some magic it constructs newsgroup threads out of the email messages. Your "New Cygwin Mirror" message appeared in the "cvs over ssh with tcsh" thread despite the different subject line.

I am quite content not to understand this magic, but it occurs to me that email clients could in principle do the same thing.

Anyway, thanks for the new mirror.

Mark Hadfield          "Kei puwaha te tai nei, Hoea tahi tatou"
National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)

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