On 05 April 2006 17:20, J. David Boyd wrote:

> Since yesterday, (and, _of course_, I vehemently deny changing anything in
> my system), I've been plagued with
> bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
> and an unadorned bash prompt.
> If I type exit:
> Sometimes it continues on to show my regular bash prompt, which leads me to
> think that some call in my .profile failed.

  So fire up a dos prompt, cd to C:\cygwin\bin, and issue the command "bash
--login -i -x < NUL:" repeatedly until you .  Or add that -x to the options in
your cygwin.bat.  You'll get loads of irritating debug each time you fire it
up until you take it out again, but at least when it pauses with the cursor
blinking you'll see exactly what the last command it was trying to execute

  Of course, this is 'doze we're talking about.  If it's been running since
yesterday without a reboot, it may have leaked enough memory and resources to
prevent the app running, but they could be recovered by rebooting.  Some apps
are very bad about this, leaking continously all the time they are running,
continuously degrading the machine's performance more and more.  If you can
reproduce the condition reliably, it might be worth doing so while terminating
all the other simultaneous apps one at a time and see if you suddenly free up
lots of resources and the probem goes away - that should give you an idea
where the blame lies.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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