On Mar 28 14:58, Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
> Hey,
> > I don't quite get it.  Did you try to add a dependency to the sshd
> > service so that its started after that LEAP service?  That would seem to
> > be more natural a solution than just giving up on ssh entirely and use
> > *shudder violently* rlogin.
> That I did not do.  Is there a way to add a dependency on the driver
> software like Dave suggested, or is it limited to services only? 
> There is the the 'Dell Wireless WLAN Tray Service' (wltrysvc) which I
> suspect is the Dell wireless config service.

AFAIK, drivers are not overly different from services, so you should be 
able to add a dependency to a driver, too.  (Insert obligatory grain
of salt here).

> Also, is it possible to add a dependency post install (i.e. after
> running 'ssh-host-config'), or do I need to remove the sshd service
> then install it again adding the '--dep wltrysvc'?

It is possible to change the service's configuration including the
dependencies using a Win32 system call (ChangeServiceConfig), but
I don't know of a tool which utilizes this call *and* allows to
change the dependencies.

In theory, cygrunsrv could do that, but so far nobody created the
code for that.  http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#PTC


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