2006/3/23, fergus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Can anybody tell me the equivalents in Cygwin (if they exist) to

All but mount do exist for cygwin, but mkisofs/cdrecord is not in the distro
for license reasons. you'll find them elsewhere.

For mount there are various ISO mounters, recommended is usually the
daemon-tools (.msi).
There are no windows drivers within cygwin, cygwin and mount uses existing
windows drivers. One layer above.

>         files -> iso    mkisofs -o image.iso <pathlist>
>         view iso                mount image.iso -o loop <dirname>
>         iso -> CD               cdrecord -v -eject dev=<i,j,k> image.iso
>         CD -> iso               dd if=/dev/cdrom of=image.iso

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