martyandkaren carrahar wrote:
I have a very limited knowledge of computers, so I would appreciate some
help if you can. I have traced a shared memory error to the
"cygwin1.dll" file, and I am trying to delete it to resolve the issue.
However, when I attempt to delete the older version of the file on my
system, it say access denied.
Can you please tell me how to find which application is using
cygwin1.dll, or how to delete it.
This kind of question is actually off-topic for this list. Since the
problem is caused by a 3PP <>, in this
case ffmpeg, you need to ask them how to resolve this issue. A single
Cygwin installation via 'setup.exe' would not cause this situation.
However, generally speaking these situations are caused by the third-
party copy of the Cygwin DLL and usually this copy is placed in the same
directory as the app or <shudder> in the Windows system directory. The
main reasons why one is not be able to delete the file is that it is
either in use or you don't have permissions to do so. For the former,
exit ffmpeg and all related apps. You may also need to exit all Cygwin
apps and services (if you didn't start any Cygwin services and/or don't
know what they are, you can safely ignore this part). For the latter,
see if you're the owner of the DLL file. If not, take ownership through
the Windows GUI permissions tab on the DLL. If all else fails, you
should be able to uninstall the third party app and have it toss the
offending file in the process. But it shouldn't need to come to this.
Hopefully this gives you some good info to resolve the problem or to
use to follow-up with the FFmpeg folks. Feel free to remind them or
<gasp> inform them that we generally frown on third party installations
that don't play well with offical Cygwin installations.
Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746
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