Jonathan Arnold wrote:
Antony Baxter wrote:

This afternoon, for the first time, I began
experiencing the

C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe: *** fatal error - couldn't
allocate heap ....
... child_copy: stack write copy failed,...

errors that have been reported on this list before. I
am getting these errors on every '#! /bin/bash'
script, though I can initially open a bash shell.

I tried changing the heap sizes, and tried rebaseall -
neither made a difference.

Earlier today I had installed the drivers for my new
Logitech webcam. Suspecting that these might be the
problem, I killed all the Logitech processes,
restarted all my Cygwin services, restarted Cygwin/X,
and lo & behold, all the errors disappeared and
everything worked fine.

It'd be great to get these to work together, but not
the end of the world if its not possible. Any

Thank you Thank you Thank you! That's it exactly. I was wondering why
my Cygwin/X stuff started behaving badly. Unfortunately, I had just done
a big update, so I blamed that for awhile. But this is definitely it.

And after much experimentation, I think you just need to stop one file
from running. I'm not sure what was causing it to run, as it wasn't in
any of my startup folder.  But if you rename

/program files/common/logitech/LVMVFM/LVPrcSrv.exe

to something else (I called it LVPrcSrv.exe.old), Cygwin/X starts working
again, and there is no loss of functionality that I can tell.

A simple Google unearthed:


This sheds a little light on the subject of what this service is there for.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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